Kathryn Hume-Cook

Born 1968 in Melbourne, Australia, I spent my early years as a dedicated ballet student. From age 13 I studied dance full-time: at the Victorian College of Arts and later at the Australian Ballet School. In 1987, I travelled to Europe to follow my dream of dancing professionally. However, the experience of my first Feldenkrais workshop just 3 years later changed my life and my calling. I have since found many common threads as to why both Dance and Feldenkrais spoke to me.

From 1995-1999 I trained to become a Feldenkrais Teacher with Mia Segal in Holland, graduating from the Training program "Ubbergen 6", whilst continuing to dance and to teach Ballet, Contemporary, Pilates and many other movement-oriented classes. Beginning with the birth of my daughter in 2003, I was able to devote my teaching entirely to Feldenkrais. I later completed aditional requirements which allowed me to become a full member of international Feldenkrais Guilds. I joined the German Guild in 2008 and was active as a regional representative for many years. Together with my colleague, Katrin Springherr, I coordinated a number of projects for the Feldenkrais Community in Hamburg and since then have continued to be involved in volunteer work.

Still based in Hamburg, Germany, I continue to teach full-time, both in my own practice as well as within Feldenkrais Professional Training Programs. I can look back on a rich history of classes, seminars, retreats and individual lessons with people from all walks of life, as well as ongoing, dedicated learning for myself. My development as a teacher has been especially influenced and inspired by Yochanan Ryverent, Olena Nitefor, Paul Newton, Larry Goldfarb and Julie Peck. I am very grateful for all the wonderful learning opportunities I have received, both as a teacher and as a student.

In 2018 I was certified as an Assistant Trainer and have since worked extensively in Professional Training Programs across Europe and further abroad. Whilst I continue to uphold my private practice, I have focussed more on offering various post-graduate seminars and mentoring for Feldenkrais Practitioners. In 2023 I became a so-called "Trainer Candidate" which means that I am working towards becoming a Trainer in Teacher Training programs.

I remain passionate about learning and movement and am fascinated with the Feldenkrais method as a means for growth and personal development. The magic of teaching a great lesson and creating an atmosphere of self-discovery for others is central to my work. I hope to inspire with my authenticity and enthusiasm and to give a larger vision of possibility: helping you become aware that you have a choice about how you think, how you perceive, how automated or how alive you are.

Last but not least, I am the mother of one beautiful, grown-up daughter and I speak both English and German.

Publications (all in German)

"Mit anderen Sinnen wahrnehmen"
- Feldenkrais Forum, November 2020

"Erst wenn Du weißt, was Du tust..."
- My Way, April 2017

"Den Bewegungswortschatz erweitern"
- Verde, Dezember 2013

"Feldenkrais weckt ungeahnte Kräfte"
- Humannnews, Oktober 2008