Students and teachers of the Feldenkrais Method will find opportunities for deeping their understanding and supporting their professional growth in these pages. Over two decades of experience as a Feldenkrais teacher allow me to offer you a wealth of knowledge and passion: for this elusively obvious pathway of learning to live your potential.
Kathryn Hume-Cook, Dedicated to excellence

Certified FELDENKRAIS© Practitioner, Certified FELDENKRAIS© Trainer
Born 1968 in Melbourne, Australia, I have been a Feldenkrais teacher since 1999. Based in Hamburg, Germany, I teach full-time, both in my own practice as well as within Feldenkrais Professional Training Programs. I am passionate about learning and movement and this wonderful method never ceases to fascinate me as a means for growth and personal development.
We can find so many ways to explore freedom within ourselves. Which means autonomy, agency and authenticity. I love teaching Feldenkrais classes as a vehicle for exploring attuntement with onesself... Empowering you to embrace your shortcomings, live more of your potential, avow your dreams and harness your resources.
Find out more about Kathryn...
Post-graduate FI-Study Group (Online)

Making a Lesson Meaningful: Weekend Workshops for Feldenkrais Pracitioners
This series of workshops is dedicated to deepening the art of Functional Integration. The human connection, and your ability to make your lesson meaningful to your student allows the magic of learning to happen. Finding meaning is embedded in the choice of functional pattern you build your FI around and how you communicate with your student throughout.
"Directing Forces through the Diagonals"
-> 26th/27th April 2025
"Enabling the Twist"
-> 14th/15th June" 2025
"Getting to Know the Hip Joints"
-> 04th/05th October 2025
"Balancing the Head"
-> 22nd/23rd November
Saturdays/Sundays 09:00-15:00 CET
"Making a Lesson Meaningful"
Advanced Workshop Series, online
Advanced: "Directing Forces through Diagonals"

Post-graduate FI Study-Group (online) "Making a Lesson Meanigful"
Exploring diagonal connections by compressing or lengthening through arms and legs allows us to reach into the pelvis, spine, chest and shouldergirdle. Helping your student to sense a clear transmission of force through the trunk can be useful for addressing their ability to mobilize, stabilize and support themselves over a standing leg, thus freeing the opposite arm for reaching or the opposite leg for walking.
Sat./Sun. 26th/27th April
19:00-12:00 & 13:00-15:00 on Zoom
Registration closes: 17th April
Find out more...
5-day Advanced on Sylt: "Fasziale Verbindungen"

Feldenkrais Fortbildung 23.-29. März '25 in der Akademie-am-Meer (auf Deutsch)
Die Seeluft und die Weite des Himmels auf Sylt bieten optimale Voraussetzungen um tiefe und reiche Erfahrung in ATM, Selbsterforschung und FI zu erleben.
In dieser Advanced Training für Feldenkrais Practitioner erforschern wir die Wirkung einer Vorstellung von fasziale Verbindungen auf unser Arbeit. Faszien überlagern, umfassen und durchdringen andere Strukturen. Sie zu bedenken erlaubt die globale Koordination von Absicht und Ausführung anders zu interpretieren. Bilder von spezifische Verbindungsbahnen können dein Verständnis von strukturellen und funktionellen Zusammenhängen verbessern und dein Berührungsqualität beeinflussen.
23.-29. März 2025
Advanced Training "Fasziale Verbindungen"
5-tägige Fortbildung (Auf Deutsch)
Mehr Infos... noch 3 Plätze frei
Advanced: "Fundamentals of Human Organisation"

15th-19th October 2025 in Shamballa Retreat Centre, Sintra, Portugal
Our ATM lessons based on primitive and developmental movement patterns help to develop agency, self-reliance, confidence and resilience through movement. In this workshop we will explore movements the human body was designed for: building the basics for running, jumping, moving on all fours, balancing, squatting and climbing... and taking those basics into joyful, collaborative experience. We will work with dynamic ATMs which emphasize moving into physical competence. In FI we will explore strategies which allow us to impart this sense of physical, mental and emotional capability to our clients.
15th-19th October 2025
"Fundamentals of Human Organisation"
5-day Advanced Training (Taught in English)
Functional Integration for practitioners and students

Individual lessons for growth and deeper personal understanding
No matter how many years we work as Feldenkrais practitioners ourselves, we remain human beings subject to all the ins and outs of life. Our journey continues with new discoveries and set-backs.
Receiving FI lessons is an integral part of our ongoing practice and devleopment, both as practitioners and as human beings. It can help to gain new perspective, remind oursleves of our ability to self-regulate and re-find the elusive obvious. I will address your individual needs specifically and sensitively and use my competence and experience to offer the best possible framework for your lesson.
Functional Integration lessons
By appointment
Public workshops and classes (in person/online)

Experience the Feldenkrais Method
first-hand & begin a journey of growth
As most of my classes for the public are taught in German, especially those in person, you will find these offers on the German version of my webpage. Miniworkshops, Retreats on Sylt, weekend Seminars in Hamburg or packages of evening clases online are all great opportunities to embrace possibility and discover how listening to yourself through movement can change your life. It is not a problem if your German speaking skills are basic. As long as you can follow most of the instructions you will be fine, and I can help you out if needs be.
Public classes and seminars
taught in German
Fortbildungsreihe: "Die Funktion im Vordergrund"

FI Studien-Gruppe, Zentrum für Bewegung & Wahrnehmung, Hamburg
Diese Fortbildungs-Reihe ist einer Vertiefung der Kunst der Funktionalen Integration gewidmet. Ein kohärenter Aufbau, Präzision und Klarheit in der Absicht wachsen aus deinem funktionellen Verständnis einer bestimmten FI Struktur. Darüber kannst Du erkennen, wie und wo sie Verwendung finden kann, um eine Aktion mit mehr Leichtigkeit, Effizienz, Kraft und Freude zu füllen.
"Zwerchfell, Atemraum und Stabilität"
-> 18./19. Januar 2025
"Kräfte durch die Diagonale leiten"
-> 10./11. Mai 2025
"Den Twist ermöglichen"
-> 19./20. Juli 2025
"Die Hüftgelenke in Szene setzen"
-> 27./28. September 2025
"Gleichgewicht des Kopfes"
-> 15./16. November 2025
Individual Supervision & Coaching online/in-person

Supporting your self-directed learning,
finding focus and orientation
As an individual, you can arrange a consultation with me in order to work through questions about your practice - be they in terms of content, business skills or other. Talk through experiences and difficulties you have had with particular clients and situations. Ask questions about resources or suggestions for following up on significant learning moments for yourself. Prepare a particular lesson with my help. Private coaching and supervision can be done online or at my studio in Hamburg and you can choose between a one hour session or a three hour intensive. Of course we can also arrange a series of meetings, according to your needs.

I graduated my basic Feldenkrais Training with Mia Segal in 1999 (Ubbergen 6). My subsequent "Crossover Process" under Roger Russell was accreditied by the European Training Accreditation Board (Euro-TAB).
As a Feldenkrais Practitioner with more than 20 years of experience I received life-long competency certification as a member of the German Feldenkrais Profession from the Feldenkrais-Verband Deutschland e.V. in 2019.
In 2018 I received my qualification as a certified Assistant Trainer from the German accreditation board D-TAB which allowed me to teach in Feldenkrais Professional Training Programs world-wide.
In 2024 I was certified as a Feldenkrais Trainer. My application was approved by all four international TABS, and was sheparded by NATAB (North American Training Accreditation Board).
Privacy Policy / Disclaimer

Please find my Privacy Policy / Disclaimer by following the links below:
The content on this website and on my Instagram account represents my personal opinions and understanding. Liabilty for content, actions and errors of third parties that I have linked to rests with those third parties. I have made every effort to ensure that my site and content is legally and technically secure. As there is always a possibility of error the use of my site and my account is at your own risk.
In accordance with DSGVO the responsible party and contact person for questions regarding your data protection is myself:
Kathryn Hume-Cook
Wolffstr. 8a, 22525 Hamburg
+49 40 478876