Kathryn's calendar
When and where I will be teaching in 2025 - 2028
Date Theme Audience Language Place 9th January Tagesworkshop Public German Hamburg 15th January Fortbildungsreihe "Feldenkrais Lernstrategien" (ATM Only) Feldenkrais Teachers and students with ATM Certificate German Online 29th-30th January Advanced Training "Longitudinal Connections" - Segment 3 Feldenkrais Teachers English Online 12th February Fortbildungsreihe "Feldenkrais Lernstrategien" (ATM Only) Feldenkrais Teachers and students with ATM Certificate German Online 13th February Tagesworkshop Public German Hamburg 26th-27th February Advanced Training "Longitudinal Connections" - Segment 4 Feldenkrais Teachers English Online 5th March Fortbildungsreihe "Feldenkrais Lernstrategien" (ATM Only) Feldenkrais Teachers and students with ATM Certificate German Online 6th-12th March Feldenkrais Retreat auf Sylt Public German Klappholttal 13th-19th March Feldenkrais Retreat auf Sylt Public German Klappholttal 28th March-7th April FPTP Barcelona International 2 - Segment 14 Students of the Training Spanish/English Barcelona 9th April Fortbildungsreihe "Feldenkrais Lernstrategien" (ATM Only) Feldenkrais Teachers and students with ATM Certificate German Online 10th April Tagesworkshop Public German Hamburg 23rd-24th April Advanced Training "Longitudinal Connections" - Segment 5 Feldenkrais Teachers English Online 13th–27th May FPTP Lisbon 1 - Segment 14 Students of the Training English Lisbon 28th May Tagesworkshop Public German Hamburg 29th May Fortbildungsreihe "Feldenkrais Lernstrategien" (ATM Only) Feldenkrais Teachers and students with ATM Certificate German Online 20th-30th June FPTP Shanghai 1 - Segment 7 Students of the Training English/Mandarin Online 25th-26th June Advanced Training "Longitudinal Connections" - Segment 6 Feldenkrais Teachers English Online 3rd July Tagesworkshop Public German Hamburg 8th-10th July Weekend Workshop "Broaden your Horizon" Public English/Spanish Online 24th July Fortbildungsreihe "Feldenkrais Lernstrategien" (ATM Only) Feldenkrais Teachers and students with ATM Certificate German Online 1st–19th August FPTP Milano/Levico 6 - Segment 12 Students of the Training Italian/English Levico (Italy) 27th-28th August Advanced Training "Longitudinal Connections" - Segment 7 Feldenkrais Teachers English Online 31st Aug.-17th Sept. FPTP Stockholm International 1 - Segment 12 Students of the Training English Stockholm 24th September Advanced Workshop Series "Feldenkrais Strategies - Facilitating Learning" (ATM Only) Feldenkrais Teachers and students with ATM Certificate English Online 25th September Miniworkshop "Broaden your Horizon" Public English/Mandarin Online 1st October Tagesworkshop Public German Hamburg 8th October Fortbildungsreihe "Feldenkrais Lernstrategien" (ATM Only) Feldenkrais Teachers and students with ATM Certificate German Online 9th-15th October Feldenkrais Retreat auf Sylt Public German Klappholttal 16th-22nd October Feldenkrais Retreat auf Sylt Public German Klappholttal 5th-9th November FPTP Prague 1 - Segment 1 Students of the Training English/Czech/German Prague 12th-13th November Weekend Workshop "Symmetry" Public English/Spanish Online 26th November Advanced Workshop Series "Feldenkrais Strategies - Facilitating Learning" (ATM Only) Feldenkrais Teachers and students with ATM Certificate English Online 2nd-5th December Advanced "Your Carriage of the Head" with Jaime Polanco Feldenkrais Teachers English/Spanish Madrid/Online 7th-11th December FPTP Frankfurt V - Segment 19 Students of the Training German Frankfurt 17th December Fortbildungsreihe "Feldenkrais Lernstrategien" (ATM Only) Feldenkrais Teachers and students with ATM Certificate German Online 21st-31st December FPTP Shanghai 1 - Segment 9 Students of the Training English/Mandarin Online -
Date Theme Audience Language Place 2nd-5th January Feldenkrais-Woche am Abend Public German Online 3rd-5th January FPTP Shanghai 2 - Segment 1 Students of the Training English/Mandarin Online 7th January Tagesworkshop Public German Hamburg 11th-15th January FPTP Frankfurt V - Segment 20 Students of the Training German Frankfurt 21st January Lengthening the Hamstrings Public English/Spanish Online 4th February Tagesworkshop Public German Hamburg 8th-12th February Advanced with Jaime Polanco Feldenkrais Teachers English/German Hamburg 13th-16th February Feldenkrais-Woche am Abend Public German Online 18th February Longitudinal Connections Feldenkrais Teachers English Online 19th February Length and Strength: Core Public English/Spanish Online 23rd Feb.–5th March FPTP Madrid V - Segment 9 Students of the Training Spanish/English Madrid 5th-11th March Feldenkrais Retreat auf Sylt Public German Klappholttal 12th-18th March Feldenkrais Retreat auf Sylt Public German Klappholttal 20th-23rd March Feldenkrais-Woche am Abend Public German Online 25th March Lengthening Back & Neck Public English/Spanish Online 30th March–9th April FPTP Lisbon 2 - Segment 8 Students of the Training English Lisbon 10th-13th April Feldenkrais-Woche am Abend Public German Online 15th-16th April Post-grad FI Study-Group Feldenkrais Teachers English Online 20th April–3rd May FPTP Moscow 1 - Segment 9 Students of the Training Russian/English Moscow 5th-15th May FPTP Moscow 2 - Segment 7 Students of the Training Russian/English Moscow 29th May-1st June Feldenkrais-Woche am Abend Public German Online 7th–18th June FPTP Madrid V - Segment 10 Students of the Training Spanish/English Madrid 19th-22nd June Feldenkrais-Woche am Abend Public German Online 24th-25th June Post-grad FI Study-Group Feldenkrais Teachers English/Russian Online 11th–29th July FPTP Moscow 1 - Segment 10
Students of the Training Russian/English Moscow 26th-27th August Post-grad FI Study-Group Feldenkrais Teachers English Online 28th-31st August Feldenkrais-Woche am Abend Public German Online 3rd-13th September FPTP Shanghai 2 - Segment 4 Students of the Training English/Mandarin Shanghai 7th-8th October Post-grad FI Study-Group Feldenkrais Teachers English/Russian Online 9th-12th October Feldenkrais-Woche am Abend Public German Online 14th-20th October Feldenkrais Retreat auf Sylt Public German Klappholttal 21st Oct. – 2nd Nov. FPTP Moscow 1 - Segment 11 Students of the Training Russian/English Moscow 4th-15th November FPTP Moscow 2 - Segment 9 Students of the Training Russian/English Moscow 18th-19th November Post-grad FI Study-Group Feldenkrais Teachers English Online 21st Nov.-2nd Dec. FPTP Lisbon 2 - Segment 10 Students of the Training English Lisbon 4th-7th December Feldenkrais-Woche am Abend Public German Online 9th-10th December Post-grad FI Study-Group Feldenkrais Teachers English/Russian Online -
Date Theme Audience Language Place 18th–29th January FPTP Moscow 2 - Segment 10 Students of the Training Russian/English Moscow/Russland 3rd–9th March Feldenkrais Retreat auf Sylt Public German Klappholttal 10th–16th March Feldenkrais Retreat auf Sylt Public German Klappholttal 17th March–3rd April FPTP Barcelona Int. 3 - Segment 11 Students of the Training Spanish/English Barcelona/Spain 19th April–2nd May FPTP Moscow 1 - Segment 12 Students of the Training Russian/English Moscow/Russland 3rd–14th May FPTP Moscow 2 - Segment 11 Students of the Training Russian/English Moscow/Russland 9th–26th October FPTP Barcelona Int. 3 - Segment 13 Students of the Training Spanish/English Barcelona/Spain 27th Oct–2nd Nov Feldenkrais Retreat auf Sylt Public German Klappholttal 7th–18th November FPTP Moscow 2 - Segment 13 Students of the Training Russian/English Moscow/Russland -
Date Theme Audience Language Place 30th July–10th August FPTP Moscow 2 - Segment 16 Students of the Training Russian/English Moscow/Russland